
  • Start date: 01/11/2020

    End date: 31/03/2021

    Funder: Unione europea

    Operational unit: OBC Transeuropa

    EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) facilitating the Enlargement process of the Western Balkans

    The study commissioned by the DG Regional and Urban Policy to OBCT and CeSPI aims to explore the complementary points and identify possible synergies between the EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region (EUSAIR) and the EU enlargement process in the Western Balkan countries participating in the Macroregion.

  • Start date: 14/12/2020

    End date: 13/12/2022

    Funder: Unione europea

    Operational unit: CSG + OBCT

    INGRiD – Intersecting Grounds of Discrimination in Italy

    The aim of the project is to combat multiple discrimination using an intersectional approach. INGRiD aims to create a network of qualified anti-discrimination services in Italy, strengthen the assistance provided to victims, and raise awareness on how to combat discrimination. The project’s activities – which focus on consolidating a national anti-discrimination network and establishing a "branch" in Trentino – include research on hidden multiple discrimination, local training for public and private professionals (law enforcement, public transportation, teachers), as well as the exchange of best practices.

  • Start date: 31/12/2020

    End date: 30/06/2022

    Funder: Unione europea

    Operational unit: OBC Transeuropa

    The Parliament of Rights – 3rd edition

    IThe Parliament of Rights - 3rd edition aims at contributing to a better understanding of the role of the European Parliament, as the only institution directly elected by European citizens, in the democratic life of the Union, in defining European policies for fundamental rights, and on crucial matters for the future of our continent such as climate, the environment, migration, and digital. In this complex moment for our continent, now is the time to imagine post-pandemic Europe. We will be doing this by promoting an informed, open, and plural public debate that will involve MEPs, experts, journalists, students, teachers, and policymakers in debates, seminars, and workshops. We thus intend to make our contribution to the participation of citizens in the European decision-making process and civil society’s capacity for action at the transnational level, which is essential for relaunching the European project from below and promoting a Europe of rights.

    See the page: The Parliament of Rights 3

  • Start date: 01/01/2019

    End date: 31/10/2021

    Funder: CIVITATES

    Operational unit: OBC Transeuropa

    Winning the Narrative. Reclaiming spaces, building new narratives 

    The project  addresses the issue of the shrinking spaces of action for civil society with an approach focused on building "new narratives" on the themes of solidarity and reception.

    In Italy, humanitarian organisations engaged in relief at sea in ​​the Mediterranean and NGOs active in the reception sector have been subject to a defamation and criminalisation campaign to discredit them in the eyes of public opinion. Nonetheless, most Italians still experience feelings of empathy, compassion, and solidarity with foreigners.

    Against this backdrop, how can the vision of an inclusive, open society be effectively conveyed and a new image restored to the world of solidarity and its protagonists?

    The research (In Italian):

    La società civile italiana: da bersaglio ad antidoto alla crisi della democrazia? Riprendersi gli spazi: costruire nuove narrazioni, alcune riflessioni conclusive Riprendersi gli spazi: costruire nuove narrazioni. Il caso di Bari Riprendersi gli spazi: costruire nuove narrazioni per l’accoglienza. Il caso di Padova Riprendersi gli spazi: costruire nuove narrazioni per l’accoglienza. Il caso di Trieste Riprendersi gli spazi: costruire nuove narrazioni per l’accoglienza. Il caso di Ventimiglia Riprendersi gli spazi: costruire nuove narrazioni per la cooperazione internazionale. Il caso trentino

    See the page: Winning the narrative

  • Start date: 01/11/2020

    End date: 30/06/2021

    Funder: MAECI

    Operational unit: OBC Transeuropa

    The Italian communities in the Balkans: recent history and new trajectories

    Research project aimed at exploring the recent history and current status of the historical Italian minority communities living in Southeastern Europe, while also examining the potential of Italy’s foreign policies as the "kin state" of these minorities and as a politically strategic actor in this area. Co-financed by the MAECI (pursuant to Article 23-bis) and conducted by OBCT in collaboration with the Department of History at the University of Rijeka, Eurac Research, and the Trentino Historical Museum Foundation (FMST).

    See the page: Le comunità italiane nei Balcani storia recente e nuove traiettorie

  • Start date: 15/09/2020

    End date: 30/06/2021

    Funder: Museo della Guerra

    Operational unit: OBC Transeuropa

    Gli ultimi della Grande Guerra: memoria in rete

    The project aims to bring to light a little-known story – that of Serbian and Russian prisoners of war used as forced labor on the Alpine front during the First World War – and to engage students in an active learning experience. Various activities will involve the proposing organizations, each at different times and with different roles: a historical research on Serbian and Russian prisoners in Trentino during the Great War; the creation of a photographic exhibition at the War Museum and of illustrative panels at Forte delle Benne; the development of an "interactive map" indicating the locations and employment sites of the prisoners in Trentino; the publication of a scientific article in the “Annals” of the War Museum; and a series of meetings and activities with local schools.

    See the page: Gli ultimi della Grande Guerra memoria in rete

  • Start date: 01/01/2020

    End date: 30/04/2020

    Funder: Open Society Foundations

    Operational unit: OBC Transeuropa

    Looking beyond the borders

    The Looking beyond the Borders project aims to strengthen the fundamental rights of asylum seekers and refugees in Italy within the context of current European and national strategies through constant monitoring on the ground, valuable collection of testimonies, and essential advocacy work. The lead organization of the project is the Italian Council for Refugees (CIR), and OBC Transeuropa is participating by producing three videos by filmmaker Paolo Martino.

  • Start date: 20/01/2020

    End date: 30/04/2024

    Funder: ART-ER

    Operational unit: OBC Transeuropa

    Analysis of the territorial challenges, needs and potentials of the Adriatic-Ionian Region and strategic options for post-2020 ADRION programme

    The research assignment entrusted by the Emilia-Romagna Region to Soges, in partnership with OBC Transeuropa, provides for the realisation of a territorial analysis on socio-economic developments and on the territorial needs of the area affected by the European territorial cooperation programme ADRION (Adriatic-Ionian). The analysis will be used by the Emilia Romagna Region, ADRION's Managing Authority, to prepare the Interreg 2021-2127 cooperation programme. The main topics covered refer to the European policy objectives: A smarter Europe; A greener and low carbon Europe; More connected Europe; More social Europe; A Europe closer to citizens.

  • Start date: 01/11/2019

    End date: 31/03/2020

    Funder: Ministero degli Affari Esteri italiano

    Operational unit: OBC Transeuropa

    The bilateral perspective between Italy and the Western Balkans: evolution and recommendations for the relaunch

    The aim of the research is to understand the state of bilateral relations between Italy and a selected group of countries in the region (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia), in order to highlight the acquired background and the future potential for cooperation, renewed in the framework of the European project. The research will end with the elaboration of specific policy recommendations, also in a comparative perspective between the different countries under investigation. Project carried out in collaboration with the Center for International Political Studies (CeSPI). Funded by the MAECI pursuant to art. 23-bis

    See the page: La prospettiva bilaterale tra Italia e Balcani Occidentali evoluzione e raccomandazioni per il rilancio

  • Start date: 01/11/2019

    End date: 30/06/2021

    Funder: Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada

    Operational unit: OBC Transeuropa

    Rijeka in Flux: Borders and Urban Change after World War II

    Rijeka in Flux is a four-year international research project which aims to investigate the effects on the city of Rijeka of the displacement of the border between Yugoslavia and Italy after the Second World War. The scholars of the historical research team will share the results of their work both through traditional academic channels and using the interactive online map dedicated to Rijeka. The map is also designed as a crowdsourcing tool open to all researchers, witnesses, and citizens who wish to share their knowledge of the city.

    Visit the page: Rijeka in Flux Borders and Urban Change after World War II

  • Start date: 01/09/2019

    End date: 31/07/2022

    Funder: Erasmus+ program of the European Commission

    Operational unit: CSG + OBCT

    DIGIT-AL – Digital Transformation in Adult Learning for Active Citizenship

    Understanding how the digitalization of society impacts human rights, public policies, media, and daily life in order to develop appropriate educational proposals. The three-year "Digit-al" project, supported by the European Commission within the "Erasmus+" program, involves two units of the Center for International Cooperation (OBCT and CSG), along with six other civil society organizations from six European countries, in researching and identifying best practices to make "digital literacy" a common subject across Europe.

  • Start date: 09/09/2019

    End date: 06/06/2020

    Funder: WMI Wikimedia Italia

    Operational unit: OBC Transeuropa

    Le guerre jugoslave su Wikipedia

    Students from Trentino take center stage in raising awareness about the Yugoslav wars. From January to April 2020, OBCT collaborated with the Library of the Edmund Mach Foundation, guiding a class from the Agricultural Institute of San Michele all'Adige (TN) in writing several Italian-language Wikipedia entries on various topics related to the Yugoslav wars, with a particular focus on the conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

  • Start date: 01/09/2019

    End date: 31/10/2022

    Funder: AICS

    Operational unit: OBC Transeuropa


    The quality of education in Kosovo is a source of serious concern and one of the country's main challenges. The international cooperation project PEDAKOS aims to improve the quality of educational services offered by public, private, and community-based early childhood schools (ages 3-5) in Kosovo by providing the Balkan country with an Italian excellence recognized globally in the educational sector: the Reggio Emilia Approach (REA). This educational approach was born and developed in the Schools and Infant-Toddler Centers of Reggio Emilia and is now an inspiration for over 35 countries worldwide. The NGO RTM, which coordinates the project, has tasked OBC Transeuropa with producing and disseminating a series of journalistic content on the project's themes.

    See the page: Pedakos

  • Start date: 01/05/2019

    End date: 31/03/2021

    Funder: Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo

    Operational unit: CSG + OBCT

    In March with the Climate

    The Centre for International Cooperation joins “In Marcia con il Clima”. Coordinated by Oxfam Italia, the project aims to provide support and resources to young people who, starting from 2018, have begun to make their voices heard regarding the fight against climate change and the protection of the planet.

    The operational unit Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT) contributes to the activities of "In March with the Climate" within the EDJNet network, producing quality data visualisations, infographics, and journalistic contents that tell the phenomenon in the various territories involved in the project.

  • Start date: 01/02/2019

    End date: 31/05/2019

    Funder: Unione europea

    Operational unit: OBC Transeuropa

    Again Never Again

    The project NeverAgain: Teaching Transmission of Trauma and Remembrance through Experiential Learning seeks to test new experiential methodologies to deal with traumas of the past present in our societies.

    The project is coordinated by SELMA: Centre for the Study of Storytelling, Experientiality and Memory of the University of Turku (Selma Centre) and cofinanced by the programme "Europefor citizens" in the European Union. Partners include both academic actors like the universities of Regensburg, Copenhagen, and Vilnius and NGOs like Patrir, Cluj, and TPO, Sarajevo.

    See the page: Again Never Again

  • Start date: 01/11/2018

    End date: 31/10/2021

    Funder: Unione europea

    Operational unit: OBC Transeuropa

    PANELFIT – Participatory Approaches to a New Ethical and Legal Framework for ICT

    The technical innovations connected to the exploitation of big data, along with new laws such as GDPR, are radically changing the ICT scenario inside and outside the European Union. PANELFIT is a European network of 13 organisations, operating in different fields – from technological consulting to research, from data protection to RI ethics, from citizens science to journalism – who work together in order to take advantage of the technological opportunities of these processes without compromising the citizens’ security and fundamental rights.

    See the page: PANELFIT

  • Start date: 01/10/2018

    End date: 31/12/2020

    Funder: OSIFE

    Operational unit: OBC Transeuropa


    ESVEI tackles structural issues that in recent years are increasing the vulnerability to external interference of democratic processes, taking Italy as a case study. It aims at increasing awareness, initiating policy debates, and providing sensible, forward-looking policy recommendations in three domains that are central to democratic processes in modern societies, but that, due to inadequate regulations and poor practices, needlessly expose such processes to meddling: social media and disinformation; transparency of funding and lobbying; cybersecurity.

    See the pages:

    ESVEI ESVEI Cybersecurity ESVEI Transparency of funding and lobbying ESVEI social media and disinformation



  • Start date: 01/10/2018

    End date: 31/08/2021

    Funder: UE

    Operational unit: OBC Transeuropa

    EUWEBER-The European Union and the Western Balkans: Enlargement and resilience

    The project aims to offer university students a better understanding of European foreign policy matters, with particular focus on Southeastern European and Eastern Partnership countries. It includes interactive seminars that are also streamed online for a wider audience, internship opportunities at Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT), and a students' blog. The project is promoted by the Jean Monnet Excellence Centre of the University of Trento in cooperation with Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa and with the support of the European Union.

    See the page: EUWeBER

  • Start date: 01/06/2018

    End date: 30/03/2019

    Funder: MAECI

    Operational unit: OBC Transeuropa

    The Italian Presidency of the OSCE 2018: challenges and opportunities in priority areas

    The joint OBCT/ CeSPI project aims to provide up-to-date, in-depth knowledge of some of the areas in which the OSCE operates directly, of particular relevance for the Italian Presidency. The project will focus in particular on two regions: the areas of long-term conflict (Transnistria, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, and Nagorno-Karabakh) and the Western Balkans. The project is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

  • Start date: 01/02/2018

    End date: 31/12/2019

    Funder: European Union

    Operational unit: OBC Transeuropa


    Defending the right to freedom of information and promoting the transnational public debate on violations registered in the European Union as well as in the enlargement and Eastern Partnership countries are the objectives of the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom - ECPMF  , of which OBC Transeuropa is one of the founding members.

    The services OBCT provides to ECPMF include the development and curation of the Resource Centre on Media Freedom  in Europe and an ongoing work of information and in-depth analysis on key issues for European democracy, in network with numerous media partners in Italy and South-Eastern Europe.

    See the page: ECPMF

  • Start date: 01/01/2016

    End date: 31/12/2018

    Funder: Unione europea

    Operational unit: OBC Transeuropa

    The Parliament of rights

    Between 2016 and 2018 OBCT promoted the “Parliament of rights” project which aimed to contribute to a better understanding of the role of the European Parliament (EP) in the democratic life of the Union and in the definition of European policies for fundamental rights. Various activities and events were undertaken: public meetings, debates with stakeholders, university seminars, workshops and webinars for journalists and civil society, as well as a graduation prize for university students, an online teaching module, dozens of new entries on the EP created on Wikipedia and a multilingual information campaign. Nearly 2,000 people were involved, including stakeholders, journalists, activists, local authorities and students throughout Italy and Europe.

    See the page: Parliament of rights 1-2

  • Start date: 01/03/2017

    End date: 30/04/2020

    Funder: AICS

    Operational unit: OBC Transeuropa

    Alliance for the Development and Promotion of Family Agriculture in Northern Albania

    Promoting agriculture and protecting the environment in northern Albania by investing in traditional know-how, typical products, and women's empowerment - this is the goal of a three-year programme promoted by Reggio Terzo Mondo and COSPE, with the support of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation and OBCT as media partner

    See the page: Alleanza per lo sviluppo e la valorizzazione dell’agricoltura familiare nel nord dell’Albania

  • Start date: 01/01/2017

    End date: 31/12/2017

    Funder: Unione europea

    Operational unit: OBC Transeuropa

    The Testimony – Truth or Politics

    Twenty-five years after the outbreak of the Yugoslav wars, much still needs to be done to integrate the memories of this chapter of recent history in the reflection about the wider European space of memory. THE TESTIMONY - TRUTH OR POLITICS is a project aiming to publicly reflect on the Yugoslav dissolution, placing centre stage individual testimonies of those who experienced the conflict, taking sides or opposing resistance to it.

    See the page: Testimony – Truth or Politics 

  • Start date: 01/09/2015

    End date: 01/09/2018

    Funder: Unione europea

    Operational unit: OBC Transeuropa

    Jean Monnet Module

    The Jean Monnet Module The EU and the political development in South-East Europe / EUSEE  is a three-year project [2015-2018] sponsored by the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence of the University of Trento in collaboration with OBC Transeuropa, and with the support of the European Union. The Module will help students acquire in-depth, first-hand knowledge about the South-east European region and its Europeanization process through a variety of educational tools and activities.

    See the page : Modulo Jean Monnet 

  • Start date: 01/01/2015

    End date: 31/12/2015

    Funder: UE

    Operational unit: OBC Transeuropa

    EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) facilitating the Enlargement process of the Western Balkans

    The objective of the project is to identify and explore common points and synergies between the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) and the EU enlargement in Western Balkan countries participating to the Macroregion. The project is carried out with the collaboration of CeSPI. It is financed by DG Regional and Urban Policy.

  • Start date: 01/06/2014

    End date: 15/01/2015

    Funder: MAECI

    Operational unit: OBC Transeuropa

    For an Italian leadership in the Balkans: beyond the heritage of the Nineties, towards EU integration

    The research project "Italy and the Balkans between national and European leadership interests: the Italian role in the EU enlargement process to the Balkans" is promoted by OBC Transeuropa and the Fondazione Circolo Fratelli Rosselli with the financial support of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI). Within the framework of this project, OBC carried out the analysis "Unavoidable Enlargement? Bosnia Herzergovina and Kosovo towards EU integration".

  • Start date: 01/01/2014

    End date: 31/12/2014

    Funder: Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto e Provincia autonoma di Trento

    Operational unit: OBC Transeuropa

    We Were Striving for Peace

    During the Balkan conflicts in the Nineties, tens of thousands Italian citizens took part in humanitarian intervention, volunteering in support of war-affected populations. OBC investigated this mobilization, its implications for the Italian civil society and transnational activism, producing journalistic in depth coverage and academic analyses. The research project “We were striving for peace”, carried out in 2014 with the support of the Caritro Foundation and the Autonomous Province of Trento, focused on this important chapter in the European social and political history.

    Cercavamo la pace Dossier -See the page

  • Start date: 01/01/2014

    End date: 31/12/2015

    Funder: Unione europea

    Operational unit: OBC Transeuropa

    Safety Net for european journalists

    Press freedom and freedom of expression have a crucial role for the functioning of democratic societies. Despite this, in Europe journalists are threatened, censured or intimidated and this affects the citizens' right to information. OBC, together with SEEMO  Ossigeno Informazione  , Professor Eugenia Siapera  (Dublin City University) and a broad network of media partners in 11 European countries, devoted a year to studying the challenges to press freedom and the needs of journalists in Italy, South East Europe and Turkey. The project "Safety Net for European Journalists. A Transnational Network Support for Media Freedom in Italy and South-east Europe" is co-financed by the European Union.

    See the page: Safety Net for European Journalists

  • Start date: 01/01/2014

    End date: 31/12/2014

    Funder: Unione europea

    Operational unit: OBC Transeuropa


    In a European Union hit by an economic crisis as never before in its history, the Parliament is the only institution directly elected by the European citizens. For this reason, the European elections in May 2014 have been a unique moment for strengthening – through participation – the European political project. Through BeEu, OBC and 7 other media partners in 6 European countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Romania and Slovenia) contributed, with in-depth news, multimedia and online debates, to stimulate the debate on the activities and decisions of the Parliament on the most crucial themes for Europe's future. The project was co-financed by the European Union within the framework of the European Parliament's communication programs.

    See the page:la pagina BeEU

    Live Debate EP Ukraine BeEU 


  • Start date: 01/01/2013

    End date: 31/12/2013

    Funder: Unione europea

    Operational unit: OBC Transeuropa

    Tell Europe to Europe

    Led by OBC and supported by the European Commission/DG Enlargement, in 2013 "Tell Europe to Europe" brought together 11 media partners in Italy, Slovenia, Spain and Bulgaria committed to animating and widening the public debate on today’s Europe, the Enlargement process and the Europe of the future. The project fostered the creation of a transnational area for analysis and debate about European Enlargement through a wide array of formats on the web, in cinemas, on the radio, in schools, universities and public events.


    Racconta l Europa all Europa

    Educational Kit

    Dibattiti online 

