Caricamento Eventi

Regional cooperation is a pillar of the EU integration and stabilization process of the Western Balkan countries. Over the past two decades, many regional cooperation initiatives increased in number, while the EU enlargement process faced a slowdown. In a context of uncharted waters for the enlargement process, this webinar aims at assessing the achievements of key regional mechanisms and initiatives in terms of reinforced WB6 regional cooperation and the prospects of these countries’ gradual integration to the EU.


Opening remarks

Ambassador Andrea Cascone, Head of the Unit for the Adriatic and the Balkans, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation


Sabinade Silva, Researcher, CeSPI

Marta Szpala, Senior fellow, Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW)

Nenad Durđević, President of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry & Head of the Regional Council for Strategic and Policy Initiative

Gentiola Madhi, Researcher, OBCT


Anna Ferro, Researcher, CeSPI


Luisa Chiodi, Scientific Director, OBCT

The webinar will take place in English

Registration here


The webinar is organized by CeSPI and OBCT, in the framework of the project “Regional Cooperation in the Western Balkans” (“CORE – Cooperazione Regionale nei Balcani Occidentali  ”), co-funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

 With the support of the Unit for Analysis and Policy PlanningItalian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperationart. 23-bis of Presidential Decree 18/1967

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