Caricamento Eventi

Il workshop è parte del Jean Monnet Project “EU-Russia: Connecting People and Ideas. Revolution, Post-Soviet Space, Information”, coordinato dalla Dott.ssa Serena Giusti.


Monday, May 6
Venue: Aula Magna (Sede Centrale)

11.00 – 11.15
Welcome Remarks

Rector/Department Director
Serena Giusti, Coordinator of the project

11.15 – 13.00
Round Table: Responses to the challenges of the politics of manipulation

Chair: Serena Giusti – Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies


Benjamin V. Wohlauer – Consul General of the United States of America in Florence

Alexandre Stutzmann – Director for External Policies in the European Parliament

Raimonda Miglinaite – East Stratcom Task Force, European External Action Service

Matthew Loveless – European University Institute


13.00 – 14.00 Lunch

14.00 – 15.30
Session 1: Fake news, disinformation and post-truth politics in the Post-Soviet Space and Russia

Chair: Elisa Piras, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies


Alicia Walness – King’s College London
Countering Information Operations: Why Words Fail Us

Nicolas de Pedro – The Institute for Statecraft, London
Disinformation and Russian Strategic Thinking

Michael Berk – President & CEO Alton Corporation
Interference, useful idiots and “enemies of the people”: how do we draw the lines in an information war?

Francesco Bechis – Editor-at- large «Formiche»
Sharp Power and Media: the Russian Approach


15.30 – 16.00 Coffee break

16.00 – 17.30
Session 2: Fake news, disinformation and post-truth politics in the Post-Soviet Space and Russia

Mara Morini – University of Genova
Myths and Realities of Putinism in the post-truth Politics

Vasil Navumau – Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies, Tartu
Integration or Absorption? Media Representations of the Latest Russia-Belarus Negotiations

Mihail Stojanoski – University of Strasbourg
When a credible source turns ‘fake’: the Relotius affair and the German system for combatting fake news


Tuesday, May 7
Venue: Aula Magna (Sede Centrale)

9.00 – 11.00
Session 3: The media and fake news

Introduction and Chair: Francesco Ceccarelli, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies


Anna Zafesova – «La Stampa» and «Il Foglio»
Journalism and fake news

Urban Larssen – Södertörn University and Centre for Baltic and East European Studies
Dealing and coping with fake news in everyday professional life in Sweden

Giorgio Comai – Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT/CCI)
Responding to alleged Russian interference by focusing on the vulnerabilities that make it possible

Rocco de Nicola – IMT Lucca
The Toffee Project: Tools for Fighting Fakes”.

11.00 – 11.30 Coffee break

11.30 – 13.00
Session 4: The media and fake news

Iryna Zhyrun – High School of Economics, Moscow
Fake news in real media: consequences for the dynamics of conflict situations

Emanuela Caiani, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa
The populist radical right, the internet and European democracy

Matteo Monti – Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies
Google, the Press, and the EU Legislation: an Analysis of the ‘Fake News’ issue


13.00 – 13.30
Final Remarks: Francesco Ceccarelli, Elisa Piras, Luigi Cino and Serena Giusti

Conference Organizers
Serena Giusti
Francesco Ceccarelli
Luigi Cino
Elisa Piras


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