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The Commission will submit a proposal for the next EU Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) period starting in 2028 by the beginning of July 2025.​ The webinar focuses on the current debate in preparation for the MFF 2028-2034 in connection with the enlargement process. If the Enlargement is in the strategic interest of the EU, the MFF should secure sufficient resources for it. In addition, as some analysts suggest, it would be important to adjust the current financial mechanisms in place for the candidate countries to the rules of the cohesion funds, thus helping them prepare for future accession.

Webinar “Cohesion reform and Enlargement policy”
Webinar organised by OBC Transeuropa and Il Sole 24 Ore within the EU project Energy for Future
24 September 2024 at 11.00, online


– Luisa Chiodi, Scientific Director, Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa


– Krisela Hackaj, Executive Director, Cooperation and Development Institute (CDI), Tirana

– Jorge Nunez Ferrer, Director for Cohesion and EU Budget at Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR), Bruxelles

– Thomas Schwab von Postel, Senior Expert, Bertelsmann Stiftung

In order to participate to the webinar, use this link.

video recording:

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