Il discorso di saluto dell’Ambasciatore Giovan Battista Verderame, Ambasciata d’Italia in Ungheria

31/12/2003, Redazione -

Dear guests,

Thank you very much for your participation today to this event devoted to a very interesting initiative undertaken by the Italian Organisation “Osservatorio sui Balcani“.

As you know the Balkan are at the top of the EU agenda in the context of the Italian Presidency, which is perfectly aware that the unification of Europe will not be complete until these countries join the UE.

The Italian Presidency will do its utmost to ensure proper implementation of the different elements of this agenda: political dialogue and co-operation in the area, parliamentary co-operation, European Partnerships, support for institutional building, opening of Community programmes, financial support. Our purpose is to foster the building of sound and effective institutional frameworks as well as the promotion of economic growth and democracy in all the Region.

The success of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe in satisfying the criteria for EU accession should encourage the countries of the Balkans to follow the same successful road to reform and to increase their efforts in that direction.

Regional integration represents in this regard an important condition to re-establish fruitful co-operative relations among all the peoples of the area. For achieving this goal, also the relations between decentralised co-operation and people`s diplomacy are decisive for improving the dialogue and the social and institutional relationships.

That`s why I consider very important the role of Osservatorio sui Balcani for giving voice to civil society, to the non-governmental organisations and a symbolic step for an ”Europe beyond the borders”. I wish therefore to express to ”Osservatorio sui Balcani” my warmest congratulations for the work has been performed in these crucial years for the Europe integration and my best wishes for the future activities.

I am sure that this initiative, so crammed with deep political and cultural interest as well as full of symbolic values, will obtain a large consent and success.


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