Europe from below:official program
Please note that this document is only a draft and the participation of the speakers is therefore subject to confirmation.
Sarajevo, Room of the Federal Parlament
Kreševljakovića, 3
Friday 5 April 2002
8.30 – 9.00 Registration of participants
9.00 – 10.30 Opening session
Welcoming speeches by
Mr. Muhidin Hamamdzic, Mayor of Sarajevo
Introductory statements by
Mr. Giulio Marcon, President of the Italian Consortium of Solidarity:
"Europe from below": a European Network.
Sustainable local development and european integration
The role of civil society and local communities
10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break
11.00 – 13.00 1st plenary session:
CHAIR: Mr. Michele Nardelli, Observatory on the Balkans
Communications on:
Economy in the Balkans: modernity or backwardness?
Between the State and the market: local self-sustainable development
Europe, reform of the States, local authorities
Cooperation, subsidiarity and the ethics of responsibility
European Citizens?
New scenarios and new walls. Ruins and individual rights
13.00 – 14.30 Lunch break
15.00 – 18.00 Working Groups
Working Group I
Economy – Co-operation,
Local and social development,
Decentralised co-operation
Working Group II
Citizenship – Human Rights
Citizenship rights in Europe without borders,
freedom of movement, right to asylum, migrations
Working Group III
Civil Society – Democracy
A democratic Europe
for everybody, the role of co-operation and civil society networks
Working Group IV
Peace – Disarmament
Fight against nationalism and militarism, conscientious objection and civilian service
Working groups will draft papers containing proposals on these topics.
Saturday 6 April 2002
9.00 – 10.30 2nd plenary session: Europe from below, a network for the future
Chair: Mr. Giulio Marcon, President of the Italian Consortium of Solidarity
– Document Working Group I
– Document Working Group II
– Document Working Group III
– Document Working Group IV
10.30 – 11.00 Coffe break
11.00 – 13.00 Final session:
Adoption of the final draft document (network proposals)
Adoption of the Final Document "Europe from below"
Closing speeches