Europe beyond the borders

Draft Program

01/02/2002, Redazione -

Thursday 4 April:

• arrival in Sarajevo of the participants to Europe beyond the borders, Europe from below.

• meetings in Tuzla, Mostar and Banja Luka: in every towns, public presentation of "Europe beyond the borders, Europe from below", discussion on the contents of the appeal "Europe beyond the borders".

Friday 5 April – All day:

• Opening and plenary session "Europe from Below – L’Europa dal Basso", first meeting of the network.
Announced participants: representatives of NGOs, association, civil society from Italy, Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, FYROM, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Moldova, Romania, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Greece.

Saturday 6 April – Morning:

• 2nd Plenary session "Europe from below".
• Conclusions.

Saturday 6 Aprile – Afternoon:

• Official presentation of the appeal "Europe beyond the borders".
Announced participants: Mr. Romano Prodi, President of European Commission, Mayors of Bosnian and European Municipalities, MPs and signatories of the appeal.

Saturday 6 April – Evening:

• Concert organised in co-operation with the Simphonic Orchestra of Sarajevo, Directed by Emir Nuhanović.

Sunday 7 April – Morning:

• VIVICITTÀ – competitive and non competitive foot race for the city organised by the Sport Committee of Sarajevo and Italian Union Sport for All – Peace Games.

Sunday 7 aprile – Afternoon:

• Departure from Sarajevo


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