Bibliografia guida economia
Testi consigliati sulla microfinanza in italiano ed in inglese.
A. Testi sul microcredito in lingua italiana
"Le banche dei poveri minacciano l’usura", Il Manifesto 24 giugno 1999
"Microcredito, una soluzione per l’economia degli ultimi", Avvenire 6 luglio 1999
"7 milioni di nuove microimprese in un anno", Nigrizia n. 9 settembre 1999
"Microcredito", Quali Frontiere a. IV n. 4, dicembre 1999
"Diamo credito ai contadini del Benin", Carta n. 4 febbraio 2000
"L’indigenza e il ruolo delle banche", Il Manifesto 24 febbraio 2000
"Una banca che non fa paura", Avvenire 27 febbraio 2000
"Chi fa credito a Félicienne?", Nigrizia n. 7/8 luglio-agosto 2000
Giampietro Pizzo, "Non basta cancellare" Aprile n. 73 aprile 2000
MOAURO A., (2000), In Bosnia crediti invece che doni, "AltraFinanza", Anno VII, n.2, marzo 2000
MOAURO A., (1999), Dalla remissione del debito ai fondi per lo sviluppo, "AltraFinanza", Anno VI, n.1, giugno 1999
MOAURO A., (1999), Interlinking finanza-commercio contro l’economia dell’usura, "AltraEconomia", Anno IX, n.1-2, gennaio-aprile 1999
MOAURO A., (1998), Credito popolare a Chajul, "AltraEconomia", Anno VIII, n.2, giugno 1998
MOAURO A., (1998), Cresce il credito solidale alla periferia di Quito, Anno VIII, n.4, settembre-ottobre 1998
MOAURO A., PALLARO A., (1997), Dal risparmio consapevole al microcredito ai produttori, "AltraFinanza", Anno IV, n.7, novembre 1997
MOAURO A., (1997), Banche amiche da Chicago al Paraguay, "AltaFinanza", Anno IV, n.5, agosto 1997
MOAURO A., (1997), Centomila posti di lavoro investendo sui poveri, "AltraFinanza", Anno IV, n.3, maggio 1997
MOAURO A., (1997), Parte in Italia il progetto microcredito, "AltraFinanza", Anno IV, n.2, aprile 1997
YUNUS M., Il banchiere dei poveri, 1997, Feltrinelli
B. Testi introduttivi e divulgativi sul microcredito in lingua inglese
ADAMS, DALE W., "Paradigms of Development Finance". Frankfurt: paper presented at the second annual conference on Development Finance, University of Frankfurt, Sep, 1998.
LEDGERWOOD J., (1999) "Microfinance Handbook. An Institutional and Financial Perspective" Washington, D.C., The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/THE WORLD BANK
NELSON C., MKNALLY B., STACK K., YANOVITCH L., (1995) "Village Banking: the State of the Practice", THE SEEP NETWORK
OTERO M., RHYNE E., (1994) "The New World of Microenterprise Finance. Building Healthy Financial Institutions for the Poor" West Hartford, Connecticut, Kumarian Press.
PECK CHRISTEN R., (1997) "Banking Services for the Poor:Managing for Financial Success" Cambridge, MA: ACCION International.
C. Testi e documenti specifici sul microcredito in lingua inglese
ADAMS, MIA. 1999. Microfinance and Refugees, Posting on Development Finance Network, April 26, 1999. devfinance
ALLES, SUNIMAL, M. 1999. "The Small Economic Activities Development (SEAD) Program for Liberian Refugees and Poor Ivorian Families", Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire: SEAD, The International Rescue Committee.
ANDERSON, MARY B. 1999. Do No Harm: How AID can Support Peace or War, Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
BEIJUKA, JOHN. 1999. Microfinance in Post-Conflict Countries: Uganda". Geneva: Paper prepared for the conference to be held in September, ILO (available from Haje Schutte, ILO).
BURGOA, JAMES, 1999. Microfinance and Refugees, Posting on Development Finance Network, April 30, 1999.
COLLIER, PAUL. 1999. On the Economic Consequences of Civil Wars Oxford Economic Papers.
COLLIER, PAUL, IBRAHIM ELBADAWI AND NORMAN LOAYZA. 1999. The Economics of Civil Wars and Crime and Violence: An Outline of Main Issues and Tentative Schedule of Activities Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, DECRG division.
COLLIER, PAUL AND A. HOEFFLER. 1998. On the Economic Causes of Civil WarsOxford Economic Papers.
DOYLE, KAREN. 1998. Microfinance in the Wake of Conflicts: Opportunities and Challenges Bethesda, Maryland: Development Alternatives Inc., Paper prepared for USAID fundedMicroenterprise Best Practices project
DUFFIELD, MARK. 1999. Development and Security in a Violent World: A Critical Policy ReviewUnited Kingdom: Paper presented at the conference NGOs in a Global Future, February
1999 held at the International Development Department, School of Public Policy, University of Birmingham.
DUFFIELD, MARK. 1999. The Emerging Development-Security ComplexUnited Kingdom: Paper presented at the conference Public Administration and Development, St. Anne’s College, Oxford University. Contact School of Public Policy, University of Birmingham.
ELZOGHBI, MAYADA. 1999. Microfinance and Refugees, Posting on Development Finance Network, April 20, 1999.
FIELD, MICHAEL. 1998. Albania, Development Alternatives, Vol. 6, Fall 1997/Winter 1998, pp. 29-33.
GALLAGHER, DENNIS. 1999. Microfinance and Refugees, Posting on Development Finance Network, April 20, 1999.
GORONJA, NATASA. 1999. Microfinance in Post-Conflict Countries: Bosnia and HerzegovinaGeneva: Paper prepared for the conference to be held in September, ILO (available from Haje Schutte, ILO).
GREENWOOD, WILLIAM. 1998. Palestine, Development Alternatives, Vol. 6, Fall 1997/Winter 1998, pp. 13-20.
HAUGHTON, JONATHAN. 1998. The Reconstruction in War-Torn Economies, Harvard Institute of International Development
JACOBSON, JESSICA. 1999. Uganda: The Provision of Microfinance in the Wake of ConflictWashington, D.C.: Paper prepared for Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, Spring.
KOOI, PETER AND HAJE SCHUTTE. 1999. "UNDP Microfinance Strategy for Mozambique", Geneva: Social Finance Unit, ILO.
KUMAR, KRISHNA ET AL., 1998. "Rebuilding Post-war Rwanda". Bethesda: Development Alternatives Inc., Joint Evaluation of Emergency assistance to Rwanda".
NAGARAJAN, GEETHA. 1998. Microfinance in the Wake of Natural Disasters: Opportunities and Challenges. Bethesda, Maryland: Development Alternatives Inc., Paper prepared for USAID funded Microenterprise Best Practices project
NAGARAJAN, GEETHA. 1997. Developing Microfinance Institutions in Conflict Affected Countries: Emerging Issues, First Lessons Learnt and Challenges Ahead. Geneva: Enterprise and Cooperative Development Department, ILO.
OBIDEGWU, CHUKWUMA. 1999. Rwanda: Policies for Post-Conflict Socio-Economic Change, Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, Africa Region.
OECD. 1997. Development Assistance Committee (DAC) Guidelines on Conflict, Peace and Development Co-operation, Paris: OECD.
OECD. 1997. Conflict, Peace and Development Co-operation on the Threshold of the 21st Century: Policy Statement, Paris: OECD.,
OLSON, CRAIG. 1998. Development in Post-Crisis Societies, Development Alternatives, Vol. 6, Fall 1997/Winter 1998, pp. 1-5.
SHUTTE, HAJE. 1999. Posting on the Virtual Conference on ‘Microfinance in Post-Conflict Countries: Towards a Framework for Action" Hosted by ILO, August 23-25, 1999.
SMILLIE, IAN. 1998. Relief and Development: The Struggle for Synergy, Providence: Thomas J. Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University, Occasional Paper no.33.
THE WORLD BANK. 1999. Post-Conflict Fund- Guidelines and Procedures, Washington, D.C.: Post Conflict Unit, The World Bank.
THE WORLD BANK. 1999. A Framework for World Bank Involvement in Post-Conflict Reconstruction, Washington, D.C.: Post Conflict Unit, The World Bank.
TSILIKOUNAS, CAROLINE. 1999. Microfinance and Refugees, Posting on Development Finance Network, April 22, 1999.
VLETTER, FION de. 1999. "Microfinance in Post-Conflict Countries: Mozambique. Geneva: Paper prepared for the conference to be held in September 15-17, Geneva, ILO.
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