
Here you can find all necessary information on the trip along the Danube. From Vienna to Belgrade for a Europe beyond the borders!

21/09/2003, Redazione -


Danube, Europe is meeting

Danube, Europe is meeting

Following the spirit of Sarajevo meeting of April 2002, we are organizing in September 2003 a second meeting of Europe from below – Europe beyond the borders in Belgrade.

Since 2001 – when we launched the Europe beyond the borders Appeal – many things have changed at international, European and Balkan level. The integration of South East Europe into European Union two years ago was more a suggestion than an immediate political objective. But if South East Europe needs European Union to smoother the contradictions that imprinted the most recent history, today European Union itself needs to unify the whole European space to play a relevant international role and to reopen a democratic dialectic on the international scene.

Therefore the Belgrade’s meeting intends to make a step forward Sarajevo’s one, putting in the communitarian political agenda, the theme of South East Europe integration into European Union, also through concrete actions and shared affirmation of a common citizenship.
The meeting will be organized linking symbolically a western European town, Vienna, with a South East one, Belgrade, along the Danube that has represented for centuries the bridge between the two sides of Europe.

Significant moments will be thematic seminars in the cities of the cruise: Vienna, Bratislava, Budapest, Vukovar, Novi Sad and, finally, a 2-day conference in Belgrade.
>>>> Read the event programme (.pdf format)
If you like, you can join us for the whole trip along the Danube paying your travel and accommodation costs.
>>>>> The application form for the whole trip – paying participants
Thanks to some donors, we can provide a number of travel reimbursements and free accommodation for people coming from South Easth European countries, to be present at the final 2-day conference in Belgrade.
>>>>>> The application form for the final Belgrade days – funded participants
If you want to know more about the reasons behind the initiative
>>>>>>> Read this article on OneWorld SEE website
If you need more information, please contact us at:
Observatory on the Balkans
tel. +39 0464 424230 – fax +39 0464 424299 – mob. (Serbia and Montenegro) +381 (0)63 7034546


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