Definition of a Minority
There is no universally accepted definition of a minority in [...]
There is no universally accepted definition of a minority in [...]
After World War II, it was sought foremost to protect [...]
General featuresAccording to the census 1991, Bosnia and Herzegovina had [...]
GENERAL FEATURES In 1991, Croatians constituted 78.1% of the population, [...]
Pubblichiamo di seguito un'intervista con Momcilo Trajkovic, uno dei leader [...]
GENERAL FEATURES Pursuant to UN Security Council Resolution 1244, Kosovo/a [...]
GENERAL FEATURESThe Republic of Macedonia gained its independence in 1991 [...]
GENERAL FEATURES Slovenia has been a functioning democracy since its [...]
Terrelibere - Un immagine del Forum Ad un anno dai [...]
Il nuovo Capo di stato maggiore delle forze armate jugoslave, [...]