Caricamento Eventi

Un’intera giornata sarà dedicata al confronto fra vari stakeholders di tutta Europa. In mattinata, è garantita la presenza delle cariche più alte delle istituzioni europee, dalla neo-eletta presidente dell’Europarlamento Roberta Metsola, a Věra Jourová, vicepresidente della Commissione, oltre a Irene Khan dell’ONU e Teresa Ribeiro dell’OSCE.

Per OBCT, Maria Francesca Rita e Paola Rosà del Resource Centre team, interverranno al primo panel previsto a fine mattinata.

Qui il programma provvisorio:

Moderation by Dave Keating

9:30 Welcome address by Sophie Wilmès, Minister of European and Foreign Affairs of Belgium

9:45 Introductory remarks by Nada Al-Nashif, UN Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights

10:00 Protecting the safety of journalists, media freedom and pluralism in the European Union:  challenges and opportunities 

Panel discussion with:

– Clément Beaune, State Secretary for European Affairs, Ministry for Europe and Foreign  Affairs of France (video message) 

– Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament, tbc 

– Věra Jourová, Vice-President and Commissioner for Values and Transparency of the  European Commission

– Irene Khan, UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom  of expression

– Teresa Ribeiro, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, tbc 

11:00 Coffee break 

11:30 Roundtable One – Better protecting journalists against attacks and legal harassment: enhancing  synergies to ensure progress on the ground 

13:00 Lunch break 

14:00 Roundtable Two – The upcoming EU Media Freedom Act: strengthening media independence,  freedom and pluralism to protect information as a public good 

15:30 Coffee break 

16:00 Roundtable Three – Towards an enabling digital ecosystem for professional journalism and  public interest information 

17:30 Conclusions by Tawfik Jelassi, Assistant Director-General of UNESCO

17:45 Closing remarks by Birgit Van Hout, Regional Representative for Europe, UN Human Rights  Regional Office for Europe (OHCHR)

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