Caricamento Eventi

La Conferenza SEEMC di quest’anno, organizzata in cooperazione con la missione OSCE in Albania, è pensata come un appello per richiamare l’importanza del giornalismo come bene pubblico essenziale, e come colonna portante delle società democratiche.

Gli incontri si terranno in formato ibrido, con la possibilità di collegarsi da remoto; ci saranno giornalisti, funzionari statali, politici, esperti di media e giuristi, e ricercatori. Focus dei diversi momenti di confronto sarà il ruolo dei governi, della comunità dell’informazione e della società civile; si esamineranno buone pratiche e suggerimenti innovativi per migliorare il panorama nella regione e al di fuori della regione del Sud Est Europa.

Qui il programma completo della due giorni.

Qui il form per registrarsi e seguire i lavori online.


8th Annual South East Europe Media Conference (SEEMC)

The media have always been a crucial pillar of democracies, but informing the public on issues that matter to their lives and holding those in power to account is even more important in the context of crises such as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, fulfilling their important role in society has become increasingly difficult and dangerous for journalists, as they face growing challenges, amidst a rising tide of mistrust and safety risks.

This year’s South East Europe Media Conference (SEEMC) “Journalism in times of crisis”, organized in co-operation with the OSCE Presence in Albania, serves as a call to affirm the importance of journalism as an essential public good and pillar of democratic societies. It aims to foster regional co-operation to address media freedom challenges by exploring opportunities for furthering the media environment in the region, within the context of the present health crisis.

The 8th SEEMC, to be held in a hybrid format in Tirana on 11-12 October 2021, will bring together journalists, relevant State actors, policymakers, media and legal experts, and researchers from the region and beyond to strengthen their co-operation, with a common goal towards enhancing media freedom and freedom of expression in the South East Europe region. It will examine the role of governments, the media community and civil society, including by looking into existing best practices and innovative ways forward, and by examining how these can be replicated elsewhere in the region.

To this end, the conference will highlight four key topics:

  • Disinformation and quality investigative journalism;
  • Safety and working conditions of journalists, with a special focus on the impact of media during the COVID-19 pandemic;
  • Women journalists and women media managers;
  • SLAPPs as an increasing threat to independent media.

Here the full agenda .

Registration under this link .

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