
OBC Transeuropa offers education and training services on the relevant geographical areas as well as on issues concerning the history and meaning of European integration, fundamental rights, migration and multiculturalism, the legacy of wars and memory in Europe, conflict transformation, and international development cooperation.

The offer includes: design and production of multimedia contents, itineraries, and learning materials; consultancy and co-planning of formal and informal training activities; lectures by our trainers; and hosting curricular and postgraduate internships.

Our activities target schools, universities, training centres, and associations, with beneficiaries including: primary and secondary school students, university students, teachers, and youth and adults outside the formal education system.

Our past and present partners include: the Italian Historical Museum of War  , the Training Centre for International Solidarity  , the University of Trento  , the Florence Historical Institute for the Resistance  , the Serughetti Centre “La Porta di Bergamo”  , the Free Age University of Rovereto  ; …

See all the training events


Would you like to do an internship at OBCT? Send your CV and a brief cover letter to

Would you like to establish an agreement with your University? Check the existing agreements, and if your University is not listed, please write to
