Areas: Europe
Category: Media
Tag: Digitalizzazione, Giornalismo
Language: Inglese
The project is supported in the framework of the Erasmus+ program of the European Commission (Strategic Partnership in the field of Adult Education). Project Number: 2019-1-DE02-KA204-006421
The impact of digitalisation on media and journalism
06/2020 - Autrici: Niccolò Caranti, Valentina Vivona
in Sulev Valdmaa, Nils-Eyk Zimmermann (a cura di), “Digital Transformation in Adult Learning for Active Citizenship”, DARE – Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe vow., Brussels
Digitalisation is an essential part of our lives across all dimensions. Many people think that it is a technological process, i.e. it is mainly about computer servers, algorithms, Internet and the like. But that is only half of the truth. For example, it is difficult to separate digitalisation from almost all activities in our lives. When we shop online – are we online or are we shopping? When we play computer games – are we playing or are we at the computer? And when we are active in social media, we are both social and active in an electronic medium. Moreover, our health system is already digitised, the pollution of the planet is, to a growing extent, caused by digital technology, and activities such as navigating a car or collaboration in civil society are increasingly facilitated by digital technology.