Serbia e Bosnia Erzegovina, la guerra in Ucraina e i nuovi scenari di rischio nei Balcani occidentali
Start date: 01/09/2022
End date: 30/06/2023
Funder: MAECI
Operational unit: OBC Transeuropa

The repercussions of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in the Western Balkans are evident: the spike in tensions between the Euro-Atlantic bloc and the Russian Federation has introduced new elements of concern and uncertainty regarding security scenarios in the region, particularly in countries marked by deep internal and geopolitical divisions such as Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The aim of the research project "Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, the war in Ukraine and new risk scenarios in the Western Balkans" is to provide original tools for understanding, as well as insights and recommendations on the priorities to be pursued in the two countries in order to address the demand for stability and to revive their European prospects in the context of a new devastating conflict on European soil.
Visita la pagina: Serbia e Bosnia Erzegovina la guerra in Ucraina e i nuovi scenari di rischio nei Balcani occidentali