The Balkan Route 5 Years Later

Start date: 01/12/2020

End date: 31/05/2021

Funder: InCE

Operational unit: OBC Transeuropa

The project aims to explore the main aspects of the so-called "Balkan route," focusing on the situation in the countries most affected by the transit of migrants and on the most exposed borders (Turkey/Greece; Turkey/Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina/Croatia; Italy/Slovenia). The research, conducted in partnership by OBCT and CeSPI, will take a multi-perspective approach to examine the characteristics and evolution of the "Balkan route," and then investigate how migration is managed in the countries under study—from Turkey to the Italian-Slovenian border—and the impact of these policies both domestically and on international relations. This will be achieved by combining analysis of available sources with qualitative interviews of key witnesses.

See the page: La rotta balcanica cinque anni dopo