Political parties in the EU and the challenges of enlargement

Areas: Europe

Language: Inglese

This Policy Brief was produced with the financial support of the European Parliament. It does not represent the view of the European Parliament.

Political parties in the EU and the challenges of enlargement

02/2025 - Autrice: Luisa Chiodi

Today, enlargement policy is not a base for building electoral consent for any European party – quite the opposite. It is also a highly technical field where political propaganda can easily manipulate public opinion. Stirring fears around new races to the bottom in the sphere of democracy and labour relations around competition for scarce resources or migration is a strategy for gaining votes in most EU countries. Yet, given the EU member states’ role in the decision-making around enlargement, the role of national political parties in this policy can be crucial. This policy brief is an enquiry into European national political parties’ positions on EU enlargement. It was compiled by gathering information from party programmes, parliamentary debates, news media and think-tank sources. In addition, it relies on interviews with a number of experts and journalists with specific subject matter expertise. It covers selected (non-social democratic) political parties in 13 of 27 member states, chosen AUTHOR LUISA CHIODI Director of Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT/CCI) on the basis of their relevance to the enlargement process.