Chiodi CWP

Area di ricerca: Albania

Lingua: Inglese

This paper has been sponsored by the ERC Advanced Grant for the project ‘Mobilizing for Democracy: Democratization Processes and the Mobilization of Civil Society’ (Grant Agreeement no: 269136.)

Mass Migration, Student Protests and the Intelligentsia Popullore in the Albanian Transition to Democracy

02/2012 -  Autrice: Luisa Chiodi

Cosmos Woking Papers 2012/2


After decades under a Stalinist regime, the latecomer transition in Albania began thanks to the large-scale exodus of hundreds of young people which stimulated the mobilization of university students. In turn, the student movement became the catalyst of a wider social mobilization once fear faded away from December 1990 onwards. These experiences were nevertheless short-lived as they ended up absorbed and marginalized by the new political elites that had emerged from the intellectual milieus once ‘organic’ to the system. Furthermore, such late-in-coming protest waves occurred in a situation of economic and institutional breakdown that constituted a considerable encumbrance for the re-organization of Albanian civil society.