Categoria: Sviluppo sostenibile
Tag: Interreg
Lingua: Inglese
Interreg V-B Adriatic – Ionian Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 (Bologna – Italy, 2020)
ADRION 2021-2027: Analysis of the territorial challenges, needs and potentials of the Adriatic-Ionian Region and strategic options for post-2020 ADRION Programme
08/2020 - Autori: AA.VV.
This Territorial Analysis text – elaborated during the very insurgence of the Covid-19 era – has been the outcome of a joint effort made by a working group coordinated by Andrea GAIFAMI (SITA-SOGES International Technical Assistance) and Luisa CHIODI (Osservatorio Balcani, Caucaso e Transeuropa), in which several professionals have been called to join and provide their expertise and specialised insights